Using a “Vacation Mindset” to Increase Workers’ Happiness

Studies show that taking vacation time has some great benefits, including a positive impact on health, job performance, creativity, and happiness. In spite of this, many American workers fail to use much more than half of their yearly allotted vacation days. In a recent article for the UCLA Anderson Review, author Carla Fried takes a look at a study that sought to examine the impact of having a vacation mindset on American workers.

The Setup
First, researchers asked the approximately 500 participants to rate their happiness level on the Friday leading into the weekend. They then divided the participants into two groups: a control group and a test group. Members of the control group were prompted to treat the upcoming weekend like a regular weekend. Conversely, researchers instructed members of the test group to “think in ways and behave in ways as though you were on vacation.”

Upon returning to work the following Monday, researchers once again gauged happiness levels of all participants, and also administered a series of questions designed to measure focus, or mental presence, throughout the weekend. They were also asked to create a diary of their weekend activities, rating both their level of happiness their focus with each item (resulting in an “emotional score” for the weekend).

The Results
Here’s a quick run-down of the results of the study:

  • Participants in the test group displayed greater Monday-morning happiness, on average, than those in the control group.
  • Participants in the test group also indicated being more focused on the present moment than their control-group companions.
  • Lastly, the control group, on average, showed a lower ‚Äúemotional score‚Äù than the vacation-minded test group.¬†

The researchers concluded that “rather than any changes in one’s activities, it was indeed one’s minding of the present moment throughout the weekend that increased enjoyment during that time and produced greater happiness when back at work.”

For more details, read the article in full at the UCLA Anderson Review. 

Generating More Social Media Traffic

Generating More Social Media Traffic

More social media engagement means more business,
which is why business owners should look to increase their engagement levels in

This article discusses seven tips for increasing
social media engagement and traffic in 2019.

To view this article, click the following link to
access the original content.

The Future of Social Media Marketing

The Future of Social Media Marketing

Social media plays an integral part in marketing, but marketers should be wary of the future social media marketing has for coming generations.

This article discusses the rejection of some social media platforms, and what is next for the marketing industry.

To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Top 5 Latest Tech Advances That Help Heal Our World

Top 5 Latest Tech Advances That Help Heal Our World

As often as we lament how quickly change occurs in the tech world, there is an upside when it comes to treating diseases and chronic conditions. Here are some of the coolest new devices available. Read on to learn how impressive it can be when technology and medicine intersect.

Getting a Foothold on Diabetes. The body’s extremities are most vulnerable to the effects of diabetes – especially the feet. If improperly treated, peripheral nerves and blood vessels can become damaged, causing ulcers, which can become infected and sometimes result in amputations, if not death. Siren© has developed high-tech socks with embedded sensors woven into the company’s Neurofabric™. These sensors continuously monitor the temperature at the bottom of the feet — a vital sign which can indicate  whether the body is fighting an infection. Measurements are automatically transmitted to Siren via the wearer’s smart phone. In the event of a temperature warning, Siren’s customer service department reaches out to the user via call or text. 

Seeing for the Blind. Created by AT&T, Aira glasses are a lifesaver. When a person who is seeing-impaired puts on these glasses, they’re connected to agents via microphone who see what the user sees in real time and can talk them through what’s around them. These agents become visual interpreters, aka “seeing-eye people” and help users accomplish a wide range of daily tasks — everything from crossing busy streets to recognizing faces to traveling the world. 

Treating Cancer with Robots. No, it’s not science fiction. The CyberKnife System® is very real. As the only fully robotic radiation delivery system, this miraculous surgical aid uses real-time imaging to deliver a maximum dose of radiation directly to the tumor from many different angles with sub-millimeter precision. It does this by tracking and adjusting for tumor or patient movement during the treatment, which minimizes radiation to healthy organs and tissues.

Scratching the Spread of Infection. Moms the world over have warned against scratching after a bug bite. This advice has some truth and relevance: recent studies have found a direct connection between scratching, inflammation and the rapid replication of infections. Given the rise of mosquito-borne viruses like zika, dengue and malaria that are making their way into the United States, you’ll want to check out Bite Helper™. This ingenious device neutralizes the itch and irritation of insect bites with Thermo-Pulse Technology™, which delivers heat and vibration to the bite area. This increases blood flow and circulation, relieving the itch and desire to scratch, and potentially containing the spread of the disease. 

Rehabbing After a Stroke. Upon first glance, the Rapael Neofect© smart glove looks like a robot skeleton from the Lego movie. However, this incredible invention uses a variety of sensors to guide a stroke victim’s rehabilitation for hand and wrist injuries. Using wireless technology, the glove connects to the Rapael app installed on a computer, which guides a patient through repetitive movements to engage specific muscles and tendons. But here’s the thing: it makes the work less tedious and, in some cases, fun. The app projects games involving exercises that are actually everyday tasks like chopping vegetables, pouring a glass of wine or even throwing darts. The secret? Data from the sensors feed through a software algorithm that customizes the game play for the patient's needs, similar to the way Netflix's algorithm customizes a viewer's TV show and movie recommendations. 


What’s the Best Type of Business Entity for Tax Purposes

What’s the Best Type of Business Entity for Tax Purposes

There are several major types of business entities, including S Corporations, C Corporations, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and self-employment. Each type of structure has its own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to taxes, assets and liability protection. 

Generally, certain types of businesses are best for certain professions from a tax perspective; however, in light of the tax law changes enacted last year, it may be time for some business to reconsider the entity selection. Under the current tax law, what used to be the best business entity type for certain scenarios may no longer be the best choice, due to the pass-through deduction and corporate tax rate changes. Let’s look at the most common business entity types and see what’s best. 


Self-employment includes everyone who is a freelancer or independent contractor, and many business owners who don’t have any partners. The nice thing about being self-employed is that it’s simple; you don’t need to set up any type of legal entity. Moreover, if you qualify for the 20 percent pass-through deduction, you’ll pay even less. Being self-employed is best for simple businesses without major assets and little potential legal liability due to the lack of protection. 

Self-employed individuals should, however, take into account that they are required to pay both halves of self-employment taxes, on top of their regular income (conversely, if you are an employee, you pay one half and your employer pays the other). 

S Corporations 

Aside from taxation, asset protection is a major consideration when selecting a corporate entity. For those who have significant assets that need protection, especially if they don’t have any partners in the business, an S Corporation may be the best bet. There are restrictions on ownership structure; for example, S Corporations are limited to 100 shareholders, so this might be a limitation for some. 

As a pass-through entity, an S Corporation doesn’t pay taxes on income at the corporate level; instead, it passes through to the business owners. As a result, S Corporations can benefit from the 20 percent pass-through deduction as well, though high earners may be phased out. S Corporations are generally favored by certain professions such as doctors, dentists and certain types of consultants. 

C Corporations 

Unlike S Corporations, there are no restrictions on ownership for C Corporations, and they provide great asset protection. Therefore, almost all public companies and those that want to go public, such as start-ups, are C Corporations. 

The downside of C Corporations is that they are subject to “double taxation.” The corporation is taxed on entity level profits and then shareholders are taxed again on dividend distributions. The dividend distributions are not deductible to the entity, hence the double taxation issue. 

The new tax law lowered the top corporate tax rate to 21 percent, so for high earners the double taxation issue is not as much of a consideration as it used to be. Also, Section 1202 allows shareholders of start-ups to sell their stock without any taxes on the first $5 million in gain after five years. 

Limited Liability Company (LLCs) 

LLCs are generally the preferred entity structure for certain professionals and landlords. LLCs have flexibility as the owners can file as a partnership, S Corporation or even sole proprietor since the LLC is really a legal—and not a tax—designation. LLCs benefit from the 20 percent pass-through deduction if the owner elects to be taxed as a pass-through, depending on the income level and nature of the business. 

Many states do charge annual fees or minimum taxes on LLCs, but it’s usually insignificant. California is one of the most onerous ,with an $800 minimum fee per year. 


Tax savings are often the main motivator in selecting a corporate entity, with asset protection right behind it. The new tax law’s 20 percent pass-through deduction and corporation tax rate reductions make the choice a little tougher than in the past, but generally, unless a company wants to go public, most businesses will either choose an LLC or S Corporation structure. Every situation is unique, so make sure to consult a professional that can help you choose the right entity type for your situation.