WRC Group

RBG’s 2024 Day of Service

On Monday, June 24th, RBG held its annual Day of Service, an event dedicated to giving back to the Memphis community. This day is a cherished tradition for our firm, reflecting our core value of community. The office was closed to allow full participation, and our team members enthusiastically engaged in various volunteer activities throughout the day.

RBG employees partnered with several remarkable organizations on the morning of the 24th, each offering unique opportunities to make a positive impact:

At the Emmanuel Center, our volunteers engaged with children and families from South City Memphis through games and arts and crafts. The Emmanuel Center’s mission to support spiritual, physical, and educational growth was highlighted as we spent quality time fostering social and emotional development with the kids.

Another group of volunteers dedicated their morning to the Wolf River Conservancy. They spent time gardening at the native tree and plant nursery, contributing to the conservancy’s goal of preserving and enhancing the Wolf River and its watershed as a sustainable natural resource.

At AngelStreet, volunteers cleaned the facility, spent time mentoring the girls, and sponsored lunch. This organization inspires and mentors girls as creative leaders through music, ensuring that young women in Memphis have access to the arts and leadership opportunities.

In the afternoon, all participants gathered at Mid-South Food Bank where volunteers sorted through donated food items from retail partners, inspecting items for quality and dates, classifying them, and packing them into boxes on pallets. The Mid-South Food Bank is dedicated to providing nutritious and wholesome food to those facing food insecurity within the community. We are thrilled that our volunteers could contribute to their mission of delivering millions of pounds of food to children, seniors, and families in need!

The day was a resounding success, with RBG employees coming together to support and uplift the Memphis community. We are proud of our team’s dedication and the meaningful impact they made. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped uphold our commitment to our community!

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