5 Ways to Position Yourself for a Promotion

You’ve been in your current position for a few years and the question starts to become “What’s next?” You may be at a point in your career where you are ready to climb the ladder to the next level within your organization. So, how do you do it? This blog covers five prime ways to position yourself for a promotion.

1. Get on the radar.
No one can give you a promotion if no one sees you outside of your cubicle. Introduce yourself to senior managers and partners. Ask how you can be involved in more projects. Go to networking events and office after-hours get-togethers. You want to become a face that people in the office recognize and a name that your colleagues and managers know they can trust.

2. Work harder AND smarter.
Working hard is important, but it isn’t going to get you that promotion. You also have to learn to work smarter. The key is to work effectively and efficiently. Focus your time and efforts strategically and don’t fill your day with busy work that ultimately won’t get recognized or help the firm achieve its goals.

3. Be drama-free.
Now, there’s a fine line between being drama-free and having no personality. You don’t want to be a robot, but you also don’t want to be the person in the office everyone remembers for that embarrassing moment they had at the office Christmas party. Think carefully about your actions, before you do them and if you think there will be repercussions, or that your actions may cause turmoil, reconsider what you are about to do.

4. Keep learning.
In order to position yourself as a thought leader in the industry, you’ll have to stay on top of trends and industry changes. Make sure you’re subscribing to industry publications and reading at least one article daily. Take advantage of ongoing education that the firm offers so that you are continuously honing your technical (and soft) skill set. Your eagerness to learn will set you apart from the crowd.

5. Ask for it.
At the end of the day, no one is going to know you want to move up if you don’t express interest. If you feel that you are an invaluable team member who is ready for the next phase of his or her career, it’s time to ask how you can make that happen. Schedule a meeting with your manager or mentor to discuss what steps you need to take in order to take your career to the next level.

With these five valuable actions in mind, you can start to develop a road-map for your future. What do you need to do to get noticed, prove your success, and make it to the next phase of your career? A promotion doesn’t happen overnight, but with smart planning, you’ll position yourself for greatness.

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